健康促進暨衛生教育雜誌 Health Promotion & Health Education Journal
201706 (41期)期所有篇
護生對針扎預防行為意圖之研究 A study of the needle stick prevention intention of student nurses
臺北市某科技公司員工全穀類攝取行為及其相關因素 Whole-grain intake and its related factors of the employ ees in a science and technology company in Taipei
糖尿病病人之健康促進生活型態相關因素探討──以新北市某區域教學醫院為例 The survey of diabetic patients' health promotion lifestyle and its related factors for a regional teaching hospital in New Taipei City
臺灣成年人的鎮靜安眠藥知識、效能與使用行為之探討 Knowledge, Efficacy and Use of Sedative-Hypnotics among Adults in Taiwan
台北捷運候車月台座椅的友善性:檢驗老年人腿肌力與坐姿到站姿的適合度 User friendliness of Taipei Rapid Transit System's plat form chairs: examining older adult's leg strength and fitness for sit-to-stand