中文摘要 |
目的:本研究旨在探討臺北市某科技公司員工全穀類攝取行為,並了解其相關因素,包括背景變項、家人支持及行為信念等。方法:本研究立意選取300位科技員工施測,回收265份有效問卷(回收率88%)。採拔靴法(the Bootstrapped)驗證適配度及影響效果,設定樣本數量為2000次,並以百分位數方法(Percentile method)進行檢定。結果:中年、女性、高中教育程度及以非坐式工作者在攝取全穀類所獲得之家人支持相對較高,家人支持對全穀類攝取行為具有顯著性的直接及間接效果,並經由「自覺障礙」產生部分中介效果。結論:未來可發展增進員工全穀類攝取之增進自覺利益與減少障礙方案,並連結家人形成支持網路,逐步提升攝取全穀類人口達到預防慢性疾病效益。
Purpose: This study was designed to investigate the current whole-grain intake behaviors of the employees in a science and technology company in Taipei and to analyze relevant factors including employee background, family support, and behavior belief. Methods: This study included 300 participants with 265 valid questionnaires and 88% recovery rate. The bootstrap method was used to verify the goodness of fit and the effect. The bootstrap samples were set as 2,000. The percentile method was applied for examination. Results: Middle aged, female, senior high school graduated and sedentary samples showed more family support to their whole-grain intake behaviors. The family support had the direct and indirect effect to intake behaviors partially mediated through the “perceived barriers”. Conclusion: The whole-grain intake program can be applied to enhance the perceived benefits and to reduce the perceived barriers with the connection of family to build the support networks. Above all, the research can increase the wholegrain intake population to prevent the chronic diseases. |