澄清醫護管理雜誌 Cheng Vhing Medical Journal |
201304 (9:2期)期所有篇 |
- 談醫療糾紛與醫學倫理的困境 Medical Dispute and Ethical Delimmas- Can Injury Compensation Act Find the Way Out?
- 肝癌病人求醫行為與醫病關係之初探 A Preliminary Study of Medical-care Seeking Behavior and the Patient-physician Relationship in Patients with Hepatocellular Carcinoma
- 中臺灣一區域醫院2007年五月至2010年十月間沙門氏菌血清型流行病學研究 Epidemiological Study of Salmonella Serogroups from May 2007 to October 2010 in a Regional Teaching Hospital in Mid-Taiwan
- 醫院員工對於酬償期待性與組織承諾相關性之研究──以中部某區域教學醫院為例 A Study on the Relationship between Expectancy of Employees’ Rewards and Organizational Commitments in a Regional Teaching Hospital
- 不同背景之基層護理人員對繼續教育課程成效認知之探討 A Study of Continuing Education Effectiveness Cognition for Nursing Staff from Different Backgrounds
- 護理人員壓瘡預防行為之系統性文獻查證 A Systematic Review of Nurses’ Prevention Behavior with Pressure Ulcer
- 長期照護人員職業倦怠與自覺健康之關聯性研究 The Correlation between Nursing Staff’s Burnout and Self-rated Health at Long-term Care Facilities
- EDTA-依賴型假性血小板減少 Ethylene Diaminete Traacetic Acid- Dependent Pseudothrombocytopenia (EDTA-PTCP)
- 一位透析個案面臨腎移植抉擇之護理經驗 The Experience of Nursing a Dialysis Patient Considering a Kidney Transplant