臺灣學校護理之反思--從學校護理專科化觀點出發 Rethinking School Nursing in Taiwan: the View of Professionalization
學校護理師的進階角色與能力之我見 My Ideas of the Advanced Roles and Abilities for School Nurse
行動研究與我--實踐反觀中的生命擴展與照亮 My Teaching Career and Action Research: Liberation Through Praxis and Reflection
學校護理實踐的一畝田--社寮國小學童萌「牙」的故事 Successful School Nursing Practice in Reducing the Decay Rate at Sheliao Elementary School
花蓮市某國中學校護理師實踐學生「口腔衛生」健康促進計畫之行動研究 A junior high school nurse at Hualien City to practice A action research of health promotion plan of students'「oral hygiene」
護理學生在口腔衛生行為改變之經驗 The Lived Experiences of the Behavioral Change in Oral Hygiene Practices of Nursing Students
國小學童對健康中心保健服務需求、使用次數與滿意度之探討:以彰化縣某國小學童為例 Health need, utilization and satisfaction of school-based health center service in elementary school students:An example in Changhua county