成大歷史學報 Cheng Kung Journal of Historical Studies |
201812 (55期)期所有篇 |
- 荷蘭東印度公司在臺灣的紀念性地名 The VOC Commemorative Toponyms in Taiwan
- 高雄市「瀰濃庄開基伯公壇」及其碑文的歷史研究 A Historical Research on Kaohsiung City's "Shrine of the First Earth God of Meinong Village" and Its Inscriptions
- 十九世紀清越邊境海盜問題之研究 Study on the Sino-Vietnamese Border Piracy Problems in the Nineteenth Century
- 「國策支援」與「企業經營」之間──中日開戰後日本土建設會社鹿島組的發展為例(1937-1945) Between "Government Support" and "Business Management": A Case Study of the Japanese Civil Engineering Firm Kajimakumi after the Outbreak of the Second Sino-Japanese War
- 氣候、節制與健康:韓雅各論歐洲人在上海的衛生之道 Climates, Temperance and Health: James Henderson on t e Hygiene of Europeans in Shanghai
- 後冷戰紀念文化之歐洲化 The Europeanization of Cultures of Remembrance in Post-Cold War Europe