台灣原住民族研究學報 Journal of The Taiwan Indigenous Studies Association |
201809 (8:3期)期所有篇 |
- 解讀原住民族的知情同意權──絕對論 vs 條件論 nterpretation of the Indigenous Free, Prior, and Informed Consent Rights
- 紐西蘭毛利人的諮商同意權 Maori's Consultation and Consent Rights in New Zealand
- 美國原住民族的諮商同意權 Indigenous Consultation and Consent Rights in the United States
- 加拿大原住民族的諮商同意權 Indigenous Consultation and Consent Rights in Canada
- 澳洲原住民族的礦產開發諮商同意權 Aboriginal Mining Consultation and Consent Rights in Australia
- 原住民族社會資本與幸福感關聯性之研究--量化資料分析 Correlation between Indigenous Social Capital and Happiness: An Empirical Study in Taiwan
- 原住民與漢人學員參與部落行動教室訓練成效評估之比較研究 A Study on Comparison of the Effectiveness Evaluation of Tribal Mobile Classroom Training Participated by Indigenous and Non-Indigenous Students
- 從原運的角度看『原基法』實施成就瓶頸及未來 The Dilemma and Future Prospect of Indigenous Peoples Basic Law
- 部落小農平台建構及發展的實驗計畫 The Peasantry Platform Construction in Tribes: A Pilot Project
- 原住民族自治運動策略--教育歷史戰線 Indigenous Autonomous Movement Strategy: Education and History
- 泰雅族青年的跨部落聯盟嘗試 Atayal Inter-tribal Youth Movements: an Endeavor from the Nan'ao Youth Alliance
- 從部落經驗反思青年參與 Rethinking Youth Participation from Tribal Experiences