品質月刊 Quality Journal |
202109 (57:9期)期所有篇 |
- 得獎廿年後談品質 Some Thoughts about Quality after Awarded 20 Years Later
- 透過安全態度量表衡量醫院的病人安全文化 Assessing the Patient Safety Culture in A Healthcare Organization through the Safety Attitudes Questionnaire
- 急診訊息一把抓──結合商業智慧及病人流概念建立急診指標管理面板 Establish an ER Care Visualize Indicator Dashboard Using Business Intelligence Combined with Patient-flow Concepts
- 提升腦中風病人執行被動關節運動正確率 Improve the Accuracy Rate of passive joint exercises for Patients with Stroke
- 轉動血液之算(血紅)素盤 Rotating the blood count (hemoglobin) Turntable
- 用心就是專業醫護進駐集中檢疫所 Excellence is achieved by being Mindful, Medical Professionals Station in Centralized Quarantine Center
- 循環經濟──氣候變遷的另外一半藍圖 Circular Economy
- 微生物菌種應用於無農藥農業栽培案例──茶葉、柑橘生產過程 Microbial Strains Applied to Pesticide-free Agricultural Cultivation Cases