公共事務評論 Journal of Public Affairs Review |
201406 (15:1期)期所有篇 |
- 由競選廣告檢視選民之認知特性 A Study of Cognitive Characteristics of Voters through Analysis of Campaign Advertising in 2010 Kaohsiung Mayoral Election
- 全球政府國防廉潔指數--以台灣參與為例 Government Defence Anti-Corruption Index-A Case Study on Taiwan's Participation
- 地政機關電子權利書狀委外辦理之研究--以高雄市為例 A study on the Issues of Outsourcing Management of Right Certificates: Take Land Administration Organizations in Kaohsiung City as an example
- 試論民間法介入調解的正當性--以陝西隴縣「一村(社區)一法官」制為例 Try to Talk about the Legitimacy of Folk Law Involved in Mediation: A Case Study on the 'a village (community) a judge' system in Longxian Shaanxi province