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Government Defence Anti-Corruption Index-A Case Study on Taiwan's Participation
作者 葛傳宇
國際透明組織是全球反貪運動的主導者,1993年創立以來,總部設於德國首都柏林,2013年底已陸續在全球各國成立94分會,其評估各國政府貪腐程度之貪腐印象指數(Corruption Perceptions Index, CPI)從1995年首度公布以來,已是全球學術界最常引用之數據,深受國際媒體與主權國家之重視。繼CPI之後,國際透明組織2013年公布之政府國防廉潔指數(GDAI)則是全球第一個針對82主要武器採購國進行之貪腐程度評估,台灣也在評估之列。未來將逐年發布後續評比結果,對於全球軍備採購之影響不可小覷。本文從台灣國防部門之貪腐潛在風險為基礎,論述公民社會鼓勵政府參與評比之迫切性,其次運用過程追蹤法闡述台灣透明組織如何透過跨國倡議網絡之運作,持續說服與施壓公部門,尤其是軍方。各國軍方往往是各國公部門之中最保守封閉的群體,國軍亦然。跨國評比是國際透明組織常用之工具,其影響力可見諸國家品牌形象與主權評等,進而促使公部門更透明開放。因此,本文結論主張說服國軍面對兩年一次的國際評比,可望發揮同儕競爭之正向作用。
Transparency International is the pioneer of global anti-corruption movement. Since its inception in 1993, this Berlin-based international non-governmental organization (INGO) has accredited 94 national chapters around the world as of 2013. Its first corruption indicator, Corruption Perceptions Index (CPI), has become the most popular reference since 1995 in international academic circle and has drawn significant attention from news media and sovereign states. TI newest indicator, GDAI, is the first of its kind in measuring corruption levels among 82 major military procurement countries, including Taiwan. This index as it updates and publishes annually will become a benchmark for global military procurement market. This paper first analyzes the corruption risks of Taiwanese military in order to illustrate the importance for civil society to encourage government to participate international assessment. The research methodology is process-tracing, which explores Transparency International-Taiwan's transnational advocacy network in persuading and putting pressure the public sectors, particularly the military. The military tends to be the most conservative group of government in many countries. So is Taiwanese military. Cross-country assessment is a useful tool used by TI because its influence can be seen in national branding and sovereignty rating by international rating agencies. The public sector will be more transparent and open. This paper concludes that it is expected to produce peer-competition effect by persuading Taiwanese military to face the GDAI every other year.
起訖頁 21-36
關鍵詞 貪污國際透明組織政府國防廉潔指數軍事採購跨國倡議corruptionTransparency InternationalGovernment Defence Anti-Corruption Indexmilitary procurementtransnational advocacy
刊名 公共事務評論  
期數 201406 (15:1期)
出版單位 中華公共事務管理學會
該期刊-上一篇 由競選廣告檢視選民之認知特性
該期刊-下一篇 地政機關電子權利書狀委外辦理之研究--以高雄市為例




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