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A Study of Cognitive Characteristics of Voters through Analysis of Campaign Advertising in 2010 Kaohsiung Mayoral Election
作者 巫永平鄭博宇
民主政治是政治菁英爭取選票的競爭過程(Schumpeter, 1950),因此,政治傳播亦為研究民主政治不能忽視的領域;雖然政治與傳播的關係密切,但剛開始的政治傳播,其實概念運用上比較偏向政府公共政策宣導的形式(彭懷恩,2005),而現代傳播學者所定義的政治傳播,比較傾向所謂的「政治競選傳播」,來定義民主選舉期間,候選人所使用的各種競選傳播策略。臺灣隨著民主化的發展,政黨政治成形後,競選活動亦日益激烈;每逢選舉時,競選廣告已漸漸成為了選舉中之必要元素。候選人及政黨透過廣告文宣產制來進行印象塑造,同時藉由廣告來表達其競選政見和政策內容以及宣揚過去政績表現等;本研究亦透過上述的競選廣告特性,探討2010高雄市長選舉之民進黨文宣,透過認知續線理論(Cognitive Continuum Theory,CCT)進行准實驗實證,分析競選廣告呈現之要求對於選民認知判斷的影響及特性。本次研究採用准實驗進行分析,針對選民共發出45份實驗問卷,由實證結果分析得知,本次研究之選民其認知判斷較偏向直覺特性,對於支持候選人的印象考慮比例較高,而考慮政見內容者比例較低,呈現出選民的認知特性較偏向感性直覺。對應於中國大陸,雖目前中國大陸僅先行開放部分鄉鎮試行所謂的選舉,較多為黨中央領政,但對於政策傳達的方式或可提供一參考依據:即政策傳達應考慮到地方的民眾特性,以決定其宣傳的方式,例如較偏重直覺認知特性的情感抉擇、抑或較偏分析特性的理性抉擇等。
Democratic politics is a process where elite politicians compete for votes (Schumpeter, 1950) and therefore, political communication is an indispensable to a successful campaign. In the beginning, political communication focused more on public policy promotion (Peng, 2005), but in today's communication study, political communication is more campaign-communication oriented that define communication strategies adopted in election campaigns. Election campaign has become fiercer since party politics has taken root in Taiwan and that is where campaign advertising comes in. Purposes of campaign advertising by a candidate or party include image shaping, promotion of campaign issue and statement of political platform and achievements. We examined campaign literature of the Democratic Progressive Party in the 2010 Kaohsiung Mayoral Election and adopted Cognitive Continuum Theory (CCT) to analyze how appeal of campaign advertising influenced votes. Quasi-experiment was adopted. 45 questionnaires were issued to 45 participants individually due to the nature of the questionnaire. Results indicate that voters in Kaohsiung are more intuitive and support a candidate more because of the candidate's image than his/her platform, reflecting Kaohsiung voters' cognitive characteristics to be more intuitive. These cognitive characteristics show not only economic but serious social issues in Kaohsiung.
起訖頁 1-20
關鍵詞 認知續線理論競選廣告2010高雄市長選舉Cognitive Continuum TheoryDemocratic Progressive Partycampaign advertising2010 Kaohsiung mayoral election
刊名 公共事務評論  
期數 201406 (15:1期)
出版單位 中華公共事務管理學會
該期刊-下一篇 全球政府國防廉潔指數--以台灣參與為例




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