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A study on the Issues of Outsourcing Management of Right Certificates: Take Land Administration Organizations in Kaohsiung City as an example
作者 李樑堅黃永成 (Yung-Cheng Huang)吳啟勁
本研究主要探討地政機關電子權利書狀委外辦理核發之評估,首先透過訪問三位領域專家及學者以及相關文獻加以彙整相關課題看法,並作為問卷設計內容之題目,再以問卷調查方式對地政業務權利書狀作業有關之從業人員進行調查。研究結果發現,地政機關電子權利書狀委外核發辦理意願正向影響資訊業務委外辦理意願效果不顯著;網站服務品質會正向影響電子權利書狀委外核發辦理意願,也會正向影響資訊業務委外辦理意願;網路信任會正向影響電子權利書狀委外核發辦理意願,也會正向影響資訊業務委外辦理意願;政策挹注會正向影響電子權利書狀委外核發辦理意願,也會正向影響資訊業務委外辦理意願。此外,本研究以Baron and Kenny(1986)觀點檢驗電子權利書狀委外核發辦理意願與網站服務品質、網路信任及政策挹注對資訊業務委外辦理意願間具有部分中介效果。而地政機關同仁欠缺權利書狀電子化成功推動經驗乃基於自身權益的保護,因此除經由民意的強烈要求實施或政府政策性指示地政業務e化創新變革外,顯示抗拒變革的內在認知程度仍凌駕相關服務便捷所帶來整體效率與相容性的潛在效益。並且地政機關同仁對於「透過網站提供服務,應建立更為嚴密的安全管控機制,以保護個人隱私」題項的認同程度不高,顯示政府未來推動相關資訊業務委外辦理服務時,個人隱私的保護程度仍應謹慎應對。
This study aims to investigate the assessment of outsourcing issues and management of right certificates from land administration organizations, taking employees in land administration organizations as a research example in Kaohsiung City. In the first step of this research, study, three experts and scholars are interviewed, and the title of questionnaire contents are provided. Then, the questionnaire survey is provided for employees engaged in rights certificates objects in land administration organization. Of 552 are validly returned. The findings are as follows: since electronic rights certificates do not have a significantly positive impact on information services outsourcing; website service quality indicates a significantly positive impact on electronic rights certificates and information services outsourcing; network trust poses a significantly positive impact on electronic rights certificates and information services outsourcing; inject policy shows a significantly positive impact on electronic rights certificates and information services outsourcing. In addition, the study considers that electronic rights certificates become a mediator among website service quality, network trust, inject policy and information services outsourcing. This study attempts to verify these relationships mentioned above by applying the method of Baron and Kenny (1986). This study shows of that under the circumstances of the lack of experience in effectively implementing the electronic rights certificates and of self protection of their rights, the land administration organizations colleagues refuse to adapt e-government into practice in order to adapt the strong demand of the public and government policy instructions of e-innovation; therefore, their resistance to change inherent level of knowledge overrides the potential benefits of the overall efficiency and compatibility arising from the convenient services. In addition, the research objects do not show high recognition to the item 'Establish more stringent security control to protect personal privacy through website service.' Obviously, the government should take the issue of protecting personal privacy more seriously when they plan to promote relevant business of information outsourcing services in the future.
起訖頁 37-59
關鍵詞 電子權利書狀資訊業務委外網站服務品質網路信任政策挹注Electronic rights certificatesWebsite service qualityNetwork trustInject policy and Information services outsourcing
刊名 公共事務評論  
期數 201406 (15:1期)
出版單位 中華公共事務管理學會
該期刊-上一篇 全球政府國防廉潔指數--以台灣參與為例
該期刊-下一篇 試論民間法介入調解的正當性--以陝西隴縣「一村(社區)一法官」制為例




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