依違於婦德與才性之間:「世說新語.賢媛篇」的女性風貌 Fluctuations Between "Feminine Virtue" and "Talent and Character": the Portrayal of Women in "Worthy Ladies," A New Account of Tales of the World
離亂經歷與身分認同——蔡琰的悲憤交響曲 Personal diaspora And Identity- Tsai yen's Songs of Grief and Indignation
神女論述與性別演義——以屈原、宋玉賦為主的討論 Goddess discourse and gender consciousness: an investigation from Chu-Yuan's and Sung-Yu's odes
古典妊娠醫書中的「安胎」、「養胎」與「辟殺」 The fetal Sedative, Nurturing and Exorcism in the Medical Gestation Texts of Middle China