臺北大學法學論叢 Taipei University Law Review |
201206 (82期)期所有篇 |
- 論合憲訴訟救濟制度之建構--從釋字第665號解釋出發 Constructing a Constitutional Judicial Process-the Lessons of Interpretation No. 665
- 解構數罪併罰與易科罰金之交錯難題 Resolving Problems from Criminal Concurrence and Diversion
- 從貪污的刑法制裁架構反思財產來源不明罪 Reconsidering the Criminalization of “Illicit Wealth” in Light of Taiwan’s Punitive Infrastructure Against Corruption
- 通訊監察中之最小侵害原則 The Minimization Requirement in Communication Surveillance
- 羅馬第二規則 Rom II-Verrdnung
- 海峽兩岸商事仲裁裁決的相互認可與執行--現狀與前瞻 Mutual Recognition and Enforcement of Arbitral Award between Mainland China and Taiwan