科技、醫療與社會 Taiwanese Journal of Studies for Science, Technology, and Medicine
202004 (30期)期所有篇
科技風險與倫理評價:以科技風險倫理來評估台灣基改生物與人工智能的社會爭議 Technological Risks and Ethical Evaluation: Applying a Risk Theory Ethics to the Social Controversies Surrounding Genetically Modified Organisms and Artificial Intelligence in Taiwan
東亞視野下醫學典範的建構與在地化:以五輸穴針灸技術發展史為例 Construction and Localization of a Medical Paradigm from an East Asian Perspective: Using the History of the Technological Developmental of Five Transport Points in Acupuncture as an Example
民國時期上海中醫的開業與營生技術 Business Practice and Operating Techniques of Physicians of Chinese Medicine in Shanghai during the Chinese Republican Period