法学家 Jurists Review |
201612 (2016:6期)期所有篇 |
- 合憲性審查中的立法事實認定 Legislative Fact-Finding in Constitutional Review
- 能動司法與功能主義的刑法解釋論 Judicial Activism and the Functionalism Theory of Statutory Interpretation in Criminal Law
- 民法權利客體制度的體系價值及當代反思 The System Value and Contemporary Reflection of the Object of Civil Rights
- 論可撤銷法律行為撤銷權行使的方法--以中國民法典編纂為背景的分析 Methods of the Rescission of Revocable Civil Juristic Acts: Analysis on the Background of Chinese Civil Codification
- 民法典制定中民事雇傭合同與勞動合同之功能與定位 The Function and Orientation of Civil Employment Contract and abor Contract in Chinese Civil Code
- 轉售價格維持的本土化探析:理論衝突、執法異化與路徑選擇 Localized Enforcement against Retail Price Maintenance: Conflictive Theories, Enforcement Diversity and Possible Solutions
- 論中國羈押審查制度改革的四重邏輯 The Four Major Logics of China's Detention Review System Reform
- 論我國民事檢察權的運行方式與功能承擔 On the Operation Modes and Functions of the Civil Procuratorial Power in China
- 網路造謠、傳謠行為刑法規制體系的構建與完善 The Construction and Perfection of Criminal Law Regulation System about Online Rumors
- 稅收事先裁定制度的理論基礎與本土構建 The Theoretical Basis and Localization of Advance Tax Rulings
- 論禁止規避技術措施的範圍 On the Scope of the Prohibition of Circumvention of Technological Measures
- 論經營者集中申報標準實施機制的完善 The Improvement of Reporting Standards Enforcement Mechanism on Operators Merge
- 論遺體在民法教義學體系中的地位--兼談民法總則相關條文的立法建議 On the Status of Remains in Civil Law Dogmatics: Some Legislative Suggestions on Relevant Provisions of General Principles of Civil Code