民主、治理與移民意願:中國大陸、新加坡及臺灣之比較分析 Democracy, governance and immigration willingness: Comparative analysis between mainland China, Singapore and Taiwan
我國地方政府從事兩岸城市交流權限之析探:理性選擇制度論的觀點 An Analysis of Taiwan Local Governments for City-Based Cross-strait Exchanges: The Rational Choice Institutionalism Perspective
公害糾紛損害賠償事件舉證責任之標準——以公害糾紛裁決與法院判決之實務案例為中心 Burden of Proof and Evidentiary Standards in Public Nuisance Compensation Cases–Case Analyses of the Verdicts of Public Nuisance Resolution Committees and Courts in Taiwan