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An Analysis of Taiwan Local Governments for City-Based Cross-strait Exchanges: The Rational Choice Institutionalism Perspective
作者 詹立煒
This article is based on the theoretical approach of Rational Choice Institutionalism (RCI) and analyzed the issues of Taiwan Local Governments for city-based cross-strait exchanges. There are three main questions in the article: First, what are the institutional implications for the central government under the division of powers and how to control or manage the cross-strait exchange policies from the local governments? This question is part of policy consistency. Second, Taiwan local governments how to push cross-strait exchange policy under the current mechanisms and what are the strategic options for local actors in the vertical intergovernmental relations? It means the local governments pursue their policy autonomy for more powers. Third, central and local governments how to interact strategically under the structure of vertically divided government? This essay debated the meanings of rational choice institutionalism, the issues of the division of powers under Taiwan's constitution, related laws, administrative rules, and local autonomy literature. Meanwhile, the research adopted the method of analytic narratives and used a theoretical model to analyze the above questions. The results in this article shows: first, the central government actor as the institutional veto player to manage or veto the applications from local governments about city-based cross-strait exchanges; second, the local actors used the strategy of agenda-setting to fight for the autonomy of cross-strait exchange policy; third, between the local governments by the opposition party and central government by the ruling party, their relationships are either a non-cooperative game or bargaining game depended on both the outcomes of interaction and the contingency of political events.
起訖頁 93-127
關鍵詞 權限劃分兩岸城市交流制度性否決者議題設定混合動機的談判賽局the division of powerscity-based cross-strait exchangesinstitutional veto playeragenda-settingmixed-motive game
刊名 法政學報  
期數 201911 (28期)
出版單位 淡江大學公共行政學系
該期刊-上一篇 民主、治理與移民意願:中國大陸、新加坡及臺灣之比較分析
該期刊-下一篇 公害糾紛損害賠償事件舉證責任之標準——以公害糾紛裁決與法院判決之實務案例為中心




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