以宗教教誨重建受刑人在監之社會鍵--以臺北看守所宗教教誨成效為例 The Effect of Religious Education to Rebuild the Social Bond of Prisoners: A Study of Taipei Detention Center
住宅竊盜犯罪手法分析與防制之研究 Research on the analysis of Modus Operandi and Prevention of Residential Burglary
影響臺灣地區刑案發生率之社經因素--控制固定效應之空間分析,2001-2010 The influence of socioeconomic factors on crime rates in Taiwan: Control fixed effect of space analysis in the 2000s
基督教的靈性體驗:婚暴婦女堅韌生命歷程的敘說探究 Spiritual Experience of Christianity: The Life Narrative of a Tough Battered Female
從企業被害威脅探討防損發展之趨勢 A study from the enterprises victim's threaten to trends of loss prevention
探討臺灣與斯堪地納維亞對刑罰觀念在態度及價值判斷上之差異 To explore the differences between Taiwan and the Scandinavian concept of punishment in attitudes and valuable judgments
緩起訴處分戒癮治療之回顧與展望 A Review and Prospect of the Rehabilitation Treatment During Deferred Prosecution