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The Effect of Religious Education to Rebuild the Social Bond of Prisoners: A Study of Taipei Detention Center
作者 黃俊棠溫敏男曾佳茂
本研究為探討系統性的佛教課程與受刑人身心狀況之間的關聯性,藉由宗教教誨促進在監適應及重建在監社會鍵。本研究採取實驗法再輔以課程回饋資料,透過佛教教案授課方式,探討課程對其宗教信仰的態度、入監執行的感受、生活中管教、教化處遇、工場作業的看法以及最近半年內的生理、心理狀況之變化。以宗教課程調查問卷作為研究工具,實施時間為期三個月,嗣就本所附設臺北分監受刑人,進行前後測二階段問卷調查,得有效問卷共60 份。研究發現,課程方案可以平緩受刑人心境及穩定情緒,認同課程能帶給他們心理上的放鬆與解壓,研究結果可與「社會鍵理論」及「在監適應」相互印證。受刑人入監時,因監禁效應產生壓力痛苦,導致身心失衡,適應困難,但結合佛教教誨顯可重建受刑人依附、奉獻、參與、信仰之社會鍵,進而減緩情緒起伏,產生道德價值,促使受刑人遵守規範,以利復歸社會。
This study explores the correlation between the systematic Buddhism curriculum and the physical and mental status of the prisoners by using Religious education to promote and rebuild the prison's adaptation and social bonds. This study adopts experimental methods and examinations of the prisoners’feedbacks. Through the Buddhism curriculum, we explore prisoners’ attitudes toward religion, their reflection of execution, their opinions on disciplines of social life, educational treatment, and industries working, and changes in physical and mental status within the half a year. We use the questionnaire as our study tool and practice the curriculum for three months in Taipei Detention Center. The survey carries out two stages, which measured in pretest and in posttest. We got valid samples comprised of 60 prisoners. This study finds out that the Buddhism curriculum can ease the prisoners’ status of mind and stabilize their emotions. The prisoners believe that the Buddhism curriculum can make people relax and release their pressure. The results of this study support the theories of “social bond theory”, and “prison adaptation”. When the prisoners stay in the prison, they feel pressure and pain. Then it causes physical and mental disorder and makes them difficult in adaptation. However, the Buddhism curriculum can rebuild the prisoners’ social bonds of attachment, commitment, involvement and belief. It helps them to control their emotions, and increase the sense of moralilty, urges them to obey norms and assists to social rehabilitation easily.
起訖頁 1-36
關鍵詞 受刑人宗教教誨社會鍵理論在監適應prisonerreligious educationsocial bond theoryprison adaptation
刊名 犯罪學期刊  
期數 201412 (17:2期)
出版單位 中華民國犯罪學學會
該期刊-下一篇 住宅竊盜犯罪手法分析與防制之研究




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