論二十一世紀初花蓮地方風物傳說采集成果的學術價值 On the academic value of the collection results of local scenery legends in Hualien at the beginning of the 21st century
白色恐怖時期政治受難者國家認同的轉折──以王康旼為中心 Transformation of National Identity of A White Terror Political Victim──Based on The Course of Wang, Kang-Min’s Life History
現實主義、本土論述與台語詩:向陽一九七○年代詩史論述 Realism, Indigenism and Taiwanese Poetry:Xiang Yang’s Discussion of the History of Poetry in the 1970s.
原住民作家與「台灣島史」書寫:以巴代的《暗礁》、《浪濤》、《月津》為例 Aboriginal Writers and the History of Taiwan Island:Using Badai's ''Reefs'', ''Waves'' and '' Moon Port'' as Examples
展示文學的多元方法:以國立台灣文學館「文學力」常設展為例 Multiple Approaches to Presenting Literature: Case Study of the NMTL’s Permanent Exhibition