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Realism, Indigenism and Taiwanese Poetry:Xiang Yang’s Discussion of the History of Poetry in the 1970s.
作者 陳瀅州
By analyzing how Xiang Yang discusses the development of poetry in the 1970s, this paper traces the three aspects of his discussion: realism, indigenism, and Taiwanese poetry. First, it will discuss Xiang Yang’s two monographs on the development of poetry in the 1970s, showing two aspects of his discussion of the history of poetry in the 1970s: The modern poetry polemics and the realist poetry trend advocated by emerging poetry societies is the mainstream poetry trends, and ''Li'' and indigenism is the undercurrent poetry trends of the 1970s. These two articles can provide a comprehensive understanding of the development of poetry in the 1970s. On the other hand, Xiang Yang also tried to review the development of Taiwanese poetry after the war, review the budding of Taiwanese poetry in the 1970s, and gradually incorporate Taiwanese poetry into the context of the debate on“Native Taiwanese Literature”, thus presenting the third aspect of the discussion of poetry in the 1970s: Taiwanese poetry. Unlike other commentators on the history of poetry, Xiang Yang is not only a writer of the history of poetry, but also a participant in the history of poetry. He stands in the three contexts of postwar poets and realism, indigenism, and Taiwanese poetry. He provides a breadth of discussion of the history of poetry in the 1970s from the perspective of multiple contexts.
起訖頁 87-118
關鍵詞 1970年代新詩現代詩論戰戰後世代詩人「笠」本土論述台語詩poetry in the 1970smodern poetry polemicspoets of the post-war generation''Li''indigenismTaiwanese poetry
刊名 文史臺灣學報  
期數 202310 (17期)
出版單位 國立臺北教育大學台灣文化研究所
該期刊-上一篇 白色恐怖時期政治受難者國家認同的轉折──以王康旼為中心
該期刊-下一篇 原住民作家與「台灣島史」書寫:以巴代的《暗礁》、《浪濤》、《月津》為例




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