解讀1962年臺灣文壇禁書事件──從《心鎖》探討文學史敘事模式 A Decipherment of a Book Banned at 1962 in the Literary Field of Taiwan--an Analysis of Literary History Writing through the 'Xin Suo (Locked Heart)' Incident
殖民地新故鄉──以真杉靜枝〈南方之墓〉、〈南方的語言〉的臺灣意象為中心 Colony As New Homeland: The Image of Taiwan in Masugi Shizue's Short Stories: 'Tomb in the South' and 'Language of the South'
貝神祭樂舞復振與族群認同再現──以桃源鄉Hla’alua為中心(1993-2003) Revitalization of Miatungusu and Representation of Ethnic Identity:A Case Study of the Hla'alua in Tauyuan Hsiang (1993-2003)
十七世紀中後期中國東南沿海與臺灣麻布外銷分析──以西班牙史料為討論中心 Linen Export of the Chinese Southeast Coast and Taiwan in the Mid and Late 17th Century: A Study Based on Spanish Sources
從臺灣日治時期的漢詩再探日治警察、保正與保甲之形象 Discusses Police from The Japanese Rule Time's TaiwanTradition Poem the Image
日治初期大稻埕地區殖民行政建立過程分析(1895-1901) The discusses of the colonial process from the government and the local social leadership:take Da Doau Cheng for example(1895-1901)
水仙尊王信仰精神的建構──以臺南大天后宮之陪祀水神為探討中心 The Construction Of Religion Spirit In Shuexian Deities: A discussion on Shuexian Deities worshipped in Tainan Grand Matsu Temple