英文摘要 |
"In1962, the best-selling book Xin Suo (心鎖), by author Kuo Liang-Hui (郭良蕙) was banned in Taiwan and only available to purchase through the black market. During this period of time, the author's membership to Association of Women Writers was permanently revoked. This incident brought public outrage since the book was just considered a romantic novel. The Xin Suo incident resonates on several areas of concerns in regards to freedom of speech during the 1960s enforced martial law of Kuo Ming Tang (Nationalist Party), including sexual discrimination and political suppression. The book was banned mainly for the sexual connotations that it could have had on society. This is clear sexual discriminations and withdrawal of Kuo Lian-Hui's memberships from major writer's associations demeans her entire reputation. However, it is important to note that all dominate writer's associations were controlled by the government and political suppression was unavoidable for many at that time. The issues involved in the Xin Suo incident can be analyzed in the field of literary production in Taiwan during the 1960s. The theory of literary field, promoted by Pierre Bourdieu, situates all creative writing within the social conditions. His theory can be used to interpret the Xin Suo incident of 1962 that was completely ignored in literary history. The Xin Suo incident is an influential case study for future literary history writings because it collaborates with the cultural framework. " |