台灣教育研究期刊 Journal of Taiwan Education Studies |
202403 (5:2期)期所有篇 |
- 運用合作學習「角色安排」培養學生閱讀理解能力的教學設計與實踐 Designing and Implementing Cooperative Roles in Reading Comprehension Instruction
- 探討技術及職業教育在產業發展模式變革中之角色及功能轉變 Explore the Role and Functional Changes of Technical and Vocational Education in the Transformation of Industrial Revolution
- 製造業中階技術人才培育之優化策略 Optimization Strategies for Cultivating Middle-skilled Employees in the Manufacturing Industry
- 技職校院校務評鑑焦點轉移及對資料運用的倡議 The Focus Shift in Technical and Vocational School Evaluation and the Advocacy for the Data Use
- 融入性別平等概念發展師資生職業教育與生涯規劃課程暨教學效果之研究 The Study of Integrating the Concept of Gender Equity to Develop the Course of Vocational Education and Career Planning and Its Evaluating Effect on the Pre-Service Teachers
- 少教、多學:情境教學法運用於科技大學通識課程之教學實踐 Teach Less, Learn More: A Study on the Teaching Practice of Applying the Situational Teaching Method in General Education Course at a University of Science and Technology
- 技術型高中教師專業永續發展的新取向:以赴公民營機構研習或研究為例 New Orientation for Sustainable Development of the Technological and Vocational High School Teacher Profession: Taking Teachers Going to Public and Private Institution Study as an Example
- 地方教育治理的問題與解決策略 Problems and Solving Strategies of Local Education Governance
- 「新南向政策」下臺越華語文師資培育大學合作範疇與需求之研究 A Study of Cooperation Scope and Needs of Chinese Language Teacher Education between Taiwan and Vietnam Universities under New National Southbound Policy
- 以「學習歷程檔案」邁向終身學習 Harnessing E-Portfolios for Lifelong Learning Success
- 高中公民與社會科課綱及教科書中的原住民族權利 Indigenous Peoples’Rights in High School Civics and Society Curriculum Guidelines and Textbooks
- 跨境高等教育與品質保證初探:趨勢與挑戰 Exploring Cross-Border Higher Education and Quality Assurance: Trends and Challenges
- 大學住宿式書院課程發展之案例分析:以澳門的一所書院為例 A Case Analysis of Curriculum Development in University Residential Colleges: Taking a Residential College in Macao as an Example
- PISA 2022創意思考之探究 The Investigation and Implications of PISA 2022 Creative Thinking