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New Orientation for Sustainable Development of the Technological and Vocational High School Teacher Profession: Taking Teachers Going to Public and Private Institution Study as an Example
作者 張文龍
Teacher professional development refers to teachers continuously updating and improving their educational knowledge, skills, and attitudes through diverse learning activities to enhance the quality of teaching and student learning effectiveness. Teacher professional development not only helps the growth and self-realization of teachers, but is also a key factor in improving the quality of education and national competitiveness. This study aims to explore how Taiwan’s long-standing teacher professional development at public and private institutions can effectively and continuously strengthen the sustainable development of technological and vocational high school teachers’professionalism. Accordingly, the research objectives are threefold: first, to explore the theoretical framework of the content of technical and vocational high school teacher professional development; second, to analyze the current situation and challenges of teachers going to public and private institutions for training or research; third, to suggest sustainable strategies for the development of technical and vocational high school teachers’professionalism. In response to the research objectives one to three, this study mainly adopted document analysis, supplemented by semi-structured interviews. The researcher further used empirical data and theoretical dialogue to find that the main functions of sustainable development strategies for technical and vocational high school teachers’professionalism are threefold: first, to increase practical teaching unit courses and implement the spirit of the curriculum; second, to establish a recommendation review mechanism and expand the areas of expertise of participating teachers; third, to strengthen the obligation of teachers to return to school after training and provide substantive feedback to the teaching site.
起訖頁 181-211
關鍵詞 技術型高中教師專業發展教師赴公民營機構研習technological and vocational high schoolteacher professional developmentteachers going to public and private institution study
刊名 台灣教育研究期刊  
期數 202403 (5:2期)
出版單位 台灣教育研究院
該期刊-上一篇 少教、多學:情境教學法運用於科技大學通識課程之教學實踐
該期刊-下一篇 地方教育治理的問題與解決策略




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