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Problems and Solving Strategies of Local Education Governance
作者 張慶勳
This study is based on the context and influence of the development of political, economic, social and postmodern education thinking, the change of Taiwan’s local government and governance, reframing of Ministry of Education, and educational governance model’s development, and followed by proposals of research. In addition, this study analyzed the literature of related issues. The objectives of the research included: 1. Exploring the meaning of local education governance; 2. Exploring the change and influence factors of Taiwan’s local education governance problems; 3. Analyzing the problems of Taiwan’s local education governance and offering the solving strategies. The research methods included interview to answer the research questions. Purposeful sampling was used when selecting research participants. The research participants possessed theoretical training and practice experience in education governance. Meanwhile, considering research ethics, this study adopted document coding and analytic strategies. The conclusion was as follows: 1. Local education governance operated according to local education condition and had common goals; 2. The influence factors of local education governance were multiple and dynamic; 3. The characteristics of local education governance were both traditional and changeable; 4. Multiple merging of education governance models was the better way for solving local education problems; and 5. Local education governance adopted the strategic orientation for solving problems. Finally, this study provided the following suggestions for local education governance:1. Constructing cooperation and decision network of local education governance; 2. Strengthening multiple merging of education governance models for solving local education problems; and 3. Using strategic orientation for solving local education problems.
起訖頁 213-238
關鍵詞 教育治理地方教育治理地方教育問題解決問題策略education governancelocal education governancelocal education problemsstrategies of solving problems
刊名 台灣教育研究期刊  
期數 202403 (5:2期)
出版單位 台灣教育研究院
該期刊-上一篇 技術型高中教師專業永續發展的新取向:以赴公民營機構研習或研究為例
該期刊-下一篇 「新南向政策」下臺越華語文師資培育大學合作範疇與需求之研究




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