十二年國教課綱發展歷程及關注課題之分析與展望 Explore on The Process and Critical Issues in the Development of the Guideline for the 12-Year Basic Education Curriculum
十二年國民基本教育課綱校本課程評鑑機制之建構:一所小學經驗之分析 The Establishment of Mechanism of School-based Curriculum Evaluation for the 12-year National Basic Education: An Analysis of the Experience of a Elementary School
從學習歷程檔案的建置與檢核談自主學習力的養成與評估 The Discussion of Developing and Assessing the Power of Autonomy Learning by Building and Inspecting the Portfolio
影響越南中等教育的社會和結構因素轉變(1986-2016) Transfiguring Social and Structural Determinants of Vietnam’s Secondary Education From 1986 To 2016
國民小學校長學習的概念架構及其中學習取向與領導技藝內涵之個案探究 The Conceptual Framework of Elementary School Principal’s Learning and A Case Study on a Principal’s Learning Approaches and Leadership Craft
臺灣高齡教育政策的回顧與展望 A Review of Educational Policy in Elderly Education in Taiwan: Implications to Future Policy Planning
我國大專院校招收外國學生策略之利基因素分析:以越南學生為例 An Analysis of the Niche Factors in the Strategy of Recruiting Foreign Students in Taiwan’s Colleges and Universities: Take Vietnamese Students as a Example
以MI教MI:大學教師的多元智能教學研究 Teaching MI by MI: A University Teacher' Self-Narration of the Multiple Intelligences Instruction for Prospective Teachers
質性研究中的快思慢想:整體直觀與邏輯推理 Fast Thinking and Slow Thinking in Qualitative Research: Holistic Intuition and Logical Reasoning
我國關懷倫理學相關碩博士教育論文研究取向析論(2000-2019) The Research Approach on Ethics of Care in the Related Educational Theses and Dissertations in Taiwan(2000-2019)