201304 (2期)期所有篇 |
- 線條象形及其表現形式 Pictographic Lines and Their Expressive Forms
- 從《管弦樂協奏曲》探討巴爾托克音樂創作的承先啟後 A Research on Bartok's ''Concerto for Orchestra''-His Composition of Carrying on the Heritage and Opening up the Future
- 論《三國演義》中關於周瑜形象的創意書寫 Discussion of the Image of Chou Yu: A General Discussion of the Creative Writing of the Romance of the Three Kingdoms
- 相聲藝人「把點開活」現象之研究 A Study in the ''Ba-dian-kai-huo'' Cases of ''Xiang-sheng''
- 《中國公主杜蘭朵》:戲曲跨文化改編的誤讀 Chinese Princess Turandot: The Misreading in the Cross-cultural Adaptation of Xiqu
- 元代戲曲人物性格美學 Esthetics on the Characteristics of the Traditional Opera in Yuan Dynasty
- 日治昭和初期臺灣儒佛知識社群的詮釋衝突 Confucianism, Buddhism and Knowledge Community in the Early Showa Interpretation of the Conflict
- 十年磨一劍:我如何撰述《浩劫與重生:1949年以來的大陸佛教》一書的相關歷程 Spent Ten Years to Grind Sharp a Sword: Me How to Pose ''Cataclysm: Since 1949, Mainland Buddhist Book Course
- 當代中國佛教思想語境下的人文關懷 Humanism in the Chinese Modern Buddhist Context
- 台灣當代佛教大蒙山施食法會研究 Research on Contempary Taiwan's Buddhist ''Meng Shan'' Food Bestowl Dharma Assembly
- 滄桑五十年──記民社黨在台灣 Vicissitudes Fifty Years: Study of Democratic Socialist Party in Taiwan
- 研究口語表達及訓練 Enhancing Communication Skills: Research on the Toastmasters Communication Program