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Research on Contempary Taiwan's Buddhist ''Meng Shan'' Food Bestowl Dharma Assembly
作者 陳省身
The Buddhists devotees in Taiwan has the closest ties and afflications with Buddhism, with many Buddhist practises, gatherings and Dharma assemblies. Buddhist devotees participate in various rituals, on one hand improve one’s own devotion to experience Buddhism and on the other hand, requesting for the averting of misfortunes, asking for good blessings and the spiritual enlightenment of the passed on souls through such religious rituals.“Shi Shi”Food bestowal ritual is one the rituals which can fully express the Buddhist spirit of Loving Compassion and also the colourful mysterious veils of Buddhism as well. The method of food bestowal is placed on the focus of the ritual host known as Jin Gang Shang Shi, with him peforming the rituals using the hand signs known as“mudras”, recitation of secretive power words known as“mantras”and the visualization using concentrative mind power and it is using the simultaneous combination of these three factors of the body, speech & mind, the ritual host transform himself into the divine master of the ritual known as“Yidam”to salvage sentient beings in the realms of hungry ghosts known as“pretas”, transforming the nectar dew as food for them, preaching the Buddhist teachings to them and thus salvaging them into the realm of Buddha's Pureland.Buddhism believes that through the Dharma assembly of the“Meng Shan”food bestowal method, it will enable Buddhist devotess to comprehend the cause of lower realms beings of the hungry ghosts are caused by their negative deeds of their previous existences and thus leading them to go through such states of unfullfillment of food. It is because of the teachings & spirit of the Greater vehicle commonly known as“Mahayana Buddhism”, thorugh such rituals and methods of bestowling sweet nectar dew as the spiritual form of food and consolation, it will enable these beings in the lower realms to gain fullfillment and be free from thirst & hunger, thus recieving the salvation of Enlightenment from the Buddha's teachings, obtaining wisdom, dissolving sufferings and growing loving compassion.There are many rituals and methods associated with food bestowal salvation in Buddhism, this article aims to focus on three points.1. To understand the arising cause & process change of“Meng Shan”food bestowal. 2. To discuss and enhance understanding of Buddhism through mysterious elements of“Meng Shan”rituals methods. 3. Using the Grand“Meng Shan”Dharma Assemnbly to understand it's preaching effects to the masses.
起訖頁 231-268
關鍵詞 施食蒙山施食焰口神秘主義儀軌不空Shi Shi (Food bestowal)Meng Shan Shi Shi (Smoky Mountain Food Bestowal)Yan Kou (Ulka Mukha)Mysterious elements (Yi Gui)Ritual procedures (Bu Kong)Amoghavajra
刊名 臺北城市科技大學通識學報  
期數 201304  (2期)
出版單位 臺北城市科技大學通識教育中心
該期刊-上一篇 當代中國佛教思想語境下的人文關懷
該期刊-下一篇 滄桑五十年──記民社黨在台灣




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