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Discussion of the Image of Chou Yu: A General Discussion of the Creative Writing of the Romance of the Three Kingdoms
作者 高齡芬
The main purpose of this thesis is a discussion of the creative writing of the Romance of the Three Kingdoms, based on the creation of Chou Yu's image. First, I would like to introduce Chou Yu's image in the novel“The Romance of the Three Kingdoms”and the historical books“The History of the Three Kingdoms”by Chen Shou, and“The Chronicle of the 16 Dynasties”(Tzu Chih Tong Chien) by Sze-ma Kuang. In order to discuss the relationship in the writings of Chou Yu's image in novels and historical books, I have two main perspectives for this discussion: One is the arrangement of the story, and the second is the description of the characters. In conclusion, although there are significant differences in Chou Yu's imagine between the novel and the historical books, the description of Chou Yu in“The Romance of the Three Kingdoms,”basically followed the facts of the historical books. Therefore, whatever the development of the characters or the episodes, they both were stated within the context of the historical facts.
起訖頁 59-72
關鍵詞 三國演義三國志周瑜創意書寫人物形象The Romance of the Three KingdomsThe History of the Three KingdomsChou YuThe creative writingA personage's image
刊名 臺北城市科技大學通識學報  
期數 201304  (2期)
出版單位 臺北城市科技大學通識教育中心
該期刊-上一篇 從《管弦樂協奏曲》探討巴爾托克音樂創作的承先啟後
該期刊-下一篇 相聲藝人「把點開活」現象之研究




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