從形變觀點談子思想中的超越、身體性與倫理 Transcendence, Corporality and Ethics in Chuang-Tzu: from thePerspective ofTransformation
論中國紀行文學的發生與確立:以劉歆〈遂初賦〉為中心 On the Convention of Poetic Travelogues in the Rhapsody (Fu) and Its Formation: Focused on Liu Xin (c.50BC-AD23)'s“Fu on Fulfilling My Original Resolve”
吳淇《六朝詩定論》中的視覺闡發 On the Visual Explanation of Wu Qi's Liuchao xuanshi dinglun
何海鳴《琴嫣小傳》的敘事聲音 The NarrativeVoice of He Hai-Ming's Novelette ''Qin-Yan-Xiao-Zhuan''
日本最早類《秘府略》的編纂及其背景:通過對文人滋野貞主的考察 The editing and the backgrounds of the first JapaneseLeishu, ''Hifuryaku''through a literary school, Shigeno no Sadanushi
論朝鮮李邦翼漂海記錄的分類及其演變 The Classification and Evolution of Li Bangik's Drifting Sea Records in Korea
西學東流與書籍交流:近代越南《新訂國民讀本》的歐亞旅程 Dissemination of Western Learning in the East and the Book Exchange: A Study of the Late Imperial Vietnam's Revised Version of the Citizen Reader