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On the Convention of Poetic Travelogues in the Rhapsody (Fu) and Its Formation: Focused on Liu Xin (c.50BC-AD23)'s“Fu on Fulfilling My Original Resolve”
作者 丁涵
The rise of poetic travelogues in the rhapsody (fu) during the Han dynasty is not only reflected in the quantity, but in the establishment of convention which is comprised of topics, contents, structures, techniques and styles. This convention had been constantly followed and enriched by later generations. My article attempts to comprehensively examine the evolution of poetic travelogues through tracing the major source of convention served as a prelude of Liu Xin (c.50BC-AD23)'s “Fu on Fulfilling My Original Resolve” back to the earliest Classics, such as the Book of Songs the Songs of Chu and other earlier literary writings on journeys. Light is shed on the interrelationship between these earliest pieces of works and the mature of poetic travelogues in the Han fu. Last but not least, I address the literary features of Liu Xin's works and conclude that it play an inspiration role in the formation of convention of this specific genre of fu.
起訖頁 17-44
關鍵詞 紀行賦〈遂初賦〉書寫機制Poetic travelogues in the rhapsody (fu)“Fu on Fulfilling My Original Resolve” Convention
刊名 中正漢學研究  
期數 201712 (30期)
出版單位 國立中正大學中國文學系
該期刊-上一篇 從形變觀點談子思想中的超越、身體性與倫理
該期刊-下一篇 吳淇《六朝詩定論》中的視覺闡發




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