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The Classification and Evolution of Li Bangik's Drifting Sea Records in Korea
作者 崔溶澈
There are a lot of people who have survived from the sea in the Joseon Dynasty and arrived at the southern part of China. Among them, Li Bangik(李邦翼)'s recordings are comparatively abundant and varied. Li Bangik, the military officer of Jeju(濟州)was Drift arrival on the Penghu Island in the Taiwan Strait at the end of the 18th century. He fortunately survived and was sent back to Beijing through Tainan, Xiamen, Fuzhou, Hangzhou, Suzhou and Yangzhou. He came back to Hanyang(漢陽)Seoul Korea after nine months. When he arrived, The mayor of Uiju(義州) immediately posted a survey report. The king Jeongjo(正祖) was interested, too. The King asked him to inquire about his drift. These classical Chinese records are all included in the ‘The Diary of Royal Palace'(承政院日記). Li Bangik's legendary drifting incident hit the country in a moment. The famous literati were concerned at that time. Ryu Deukgong(柳得恭)writes his drifting events. By the king commands, Park Jiwon(朴趾源) has also written research drifting events. Li Bangyik's Korean language diary, although it has been lost, influences folk literature, for example The song of drifting (漂海歌)or The record of drifting(漂海錄). This article wants to collate the relevant documents and classify them, and also to examine their evolution process.
起訖頁 125-164
關鍵詞 李邦翼柳得恭朴趾源漂海歌漂海錄Li BangikRyuDeukgongPark JiwonTheSongof driftingThe Record of drifting
刊名 中正漢學研究  
期數 201712 (30期)
出版單位 國立中正大學中國文學系
該期刊-上一篇 日本最早類《秘府略》的編纂及其背景:通過對文人滋野貞主的考察
該期刊-下一篇 關於琉球《選日通書》及新發現的韓國國立中央圖書館藏本的價值




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