中正漢學研究 Chung Cheng Chinese Studies |
201306 (21期)期所有篇 |
- 關於中國文學史中物質性的思考 Material Technology and the Periodization of Chinese Literary History
- 詩-禮-樂的「性與天道」論 The“Nature and Way of Heaven(Xing and Tiandao)”Dimension of Poetry-Etiquette-Music
- 甲骨卜辭札記四則 Four Reading Notes on Oracle Bone Inscriptions
- 未始出吾宗:論莊子之冥契主義的類型問題 Wei shi chu wu zong(未始出吾宗): Discussion on the Type of Zhuangzi's Mysticism
- 聖嚴法師的禪法體認及其對大慧宗杲「話頭禪」與宏智正覺「默照禪」的運用 The Understanding of Venerable Master Sheng-Yen's Chan Practices and His Usage of Dahui Zonggao's Hua-tou Meditation and Hongzhi Zhengjue's Silent Illumination Meditation
- 「話本」與「演義」的關係:以〈《古今小說》敘〉為討論中心 The Relationship Between“Huaben”(話本)”and“Yanyi”(演義): A Case Study around Preface on“Ku-chin Hsiao-shuo”(古今小說)
- 清代中期話本小說敘事模式析論 Analysis on Narration of Colloquial Short Story in the Medium Term of Qing Dynasty
- 曲境、畫境、意境:《七里灘》與「富春山居圖」 The Artistic State of Qu and Landscape Painting in Yuan Dynasty: Seven-Miles Bank and“Dwelling in the Fuchun Mountains”
- 設景與借景:從祁彪佳寓山園的題名說起 Set Scenery and Borrowed Scenery
- 奇幻真如:試論吳彬的居士身分與其畫風 On the Relationship between Wu Bin as a Layman Painter and his Painting Style
- 「郎與多麗」:清代文人畫像文本的抒情演繹與近世意涵 “Literati and Beauties”(Lung Yu Duo Li): Lyrical Deduction and Modern Implication of Qing Literati's Portraits
- 從日治時期「全島詩人大會」論臺灣詩社的變遷及其時代意義 On the Progress of Taiwanese Poetry Societies and Their Historic Significance During the ''Island-wide Congress of Poets'' of the Japanese Colonial Period
- 文獻與進路:朝鮮時代的女性詩文研究 Document and Approach: A Study of Female Poetry and Prose in the Joseon Dynasty