中正漢學研究 Chung Cheng Chinese Studies |
201912 (34期)期所有篇 |
- 《論語》編纂對孔子學說的形成及詮釋的影響 The impacts of the compilation of the Analects on the formation and interpretations of Confucius’ doctrine
- 「玄解」《世說》:以「桓公入峽」、「孫、褚論南北之學」為示例 Toward a Metaphysical Interpretation of Shishou: Examples from “Huangong ruxia” and “Sun’s and Chu’s Commentaries on Nanbeixue”
- 宋人詠寫王荊公之主題形象與修辭探論 On the Themes, Images, and Styles of Song People’s Writings about Sir Wang Jing
- 傅斯年圖書館藏黃嘉善本《古今書刻》研究 The Research of An Index of Ancient and Contemporary Books and Stone Tablets:With a Focus on Huang Jia-Shan’s version
- 文雄韻鏡學中所見悉曇反音法之遺緒 The Siddhaṃ Ideas that Remained in the Monnou’s “Yunjing” Study
- 文化記憶的追尋與再現:以「故宮文學家」作品中的「北溝故宮」書寫為主 The Pursuit and representation of Cultural Memory - The Main Discussion Scope of the "Palace Museum in Beigou北溝故宮" in the Prose of " Palace Museum Writers故宮文學家"