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The impacts of the compilation of the Analects on the formation and interpretations of Confucius’ doctrine
作者 李貴生




Throughout the past two thousand years, the Analects is unanimously regarded as the most original and essential materials for the studies of Confucius. The extreme transparency of the Analects tends to conceal the textual nature of its own, which almost makes the “textual Confucius” in the Analects identical to the “historic Confucius”. However, since the discovery of many unearthed documents in the last few decades, the central status of the Analects has been shaken and its textual and narrative attributes has drawn much more attention. From a hermeneutical point of view, the present Analects inevitably reflects the editors’ understanding of Confucius’ doctrines because they could selectively extract related materials in the compilation process, and thus construct their own Confucian doctrines. Furthermore, the aphoristic style of extraction tacitly altered the meaning of Confucius’ discourses, which restricted and guided scholars of the later generations in interpreting the book. Given that these issues are not yet fully addressed, this article will compare similar narratives arising in the Analects and other present or unearthed documents. Through the analysis of the subtle similarities and differences among them, which includes the length of narratives, its academic ideas and the themes in the discussion, the article will illustrate how the compilation of the Analects shaped the characteristics of Confucian doctrines, and examine the interpretative significances derived from such kind of genre.


起訖頁 001-040
關鍵詞 《論語》編纂形成詮釋孔子學說The AnalectscompilationformationInterpretationConfucian doctrines
刊名 中正漢學研究  
期數 201912 (34期)
出版單位 國立中正大學中國文學系
該期刊-下一篇 「玄解」《世說》:以「桓公入峽」、「孫、褚論南北之學」為示例




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