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The Research of An Index of Ancient and Contemporary Books and Stone Tablets:With a Focus on Huang Jia-Shan’s version
作者 謝文華






An Index of Ancient and Contemporary Books and Stone Tablets (Gu Jin Shu Ke, also named Book Inscribed) was designed by Zhou Heung-Zu in Ming Dynasty and became the popular version. Ye De-Hui obtained this book from Japan in late Qing Dynasty and soon after reprinted this book that was based upon its original format. Because this version was still simple and had some error, so it brought some limition in academic applications. In addition to Ye De-Hui version, another rare edition inscribed by Huang Jia-Shan (Huang version for short) kept at Fu Ssu-Nien Library. Academic circles did’t reconnized this version not yet from 1928. Huang version was engraved in late Ming Dyansty. The version supplemented and regulated according to Zhou Heung-Zu’ version. This essay will collate and compare these two versions. At the same time, this essay will study the difference which the amount and history between these two versions. Furthermore, this essay will examine related documents comprehensively and outline the the propagation of Huang Jia-Sha’s version. On the basis of study, we can clarify the source of these differect version systems. At last, this essay will combined with other historical materials to expand research value of An Index of Ancient and Contemporary Books and Stone Tablets.


起訖頁 099-118
關鍵詞 《古今書刻》周弘祖黃嘉善葉德輝傅斯年圖書An Index of Ancient and Contemporary Books and Stone Tablets (Gu Jin Shu Ke)Zhou Heung-ZuHuang Jia-ShanYe De-HuiFu Ssu-Nien Library
刊名 中正漢學研究  
期數 201912 (34期)
出版單位 國立中正大學中國文學系
該期刊-上一篇 宋人詠寫王荊公之主題形象與修辭探論
該期刊-下一篇 文雄韻鏡學中所見悉曇反音法之遺緒




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