201112 (7:2期)期所有篇 |
- 台商投資與大陸台資集中區經濟發展──基於面板資料模型分析 Taiwanese Investment and Economic Development in the Taiwan-invested Concentrated Areas-An Empirical Study Based on the Panel Data Approach
- 休閒涉入對個體靈性之影響 The Impact of Leisure Involvement on Individual Spirituality
- 詐術行銷行為之模式建立 Deceptive Marketing Behavior and Model Building
- 巨災債券架構發展的趨勢 The Tendency of Great Disaster Bond Framework Development
- 化妝、服裝及精品涉入程度對個體靈性之影響 The Impact of Make-up, Apparel, and Luxury Involvement on Individual Spirituals
- 企業導入讚賞式探詢長期性之應用成效:個案團隊導入前後會議行為之觀察比較研究 The Long-term Application Effectiveness of Appreciative Inquiry: The Comparison of Observation at Members' Behaviors among Meetings of the Promotion Team
- 兩岸金融交流與合作之理論評述與建議 A Study of Cross-strait Financial Communication and Trade Cooperation