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The Long-term Application Effectiveness of Appreciative Inquiry: The Comparison of Observation at Members' Behaviors among Meetings of the Promotion Team
作者 連雅慧陳加屏李建道
本研究在嘗試發展組織發展(OD)工具中讚賞式探詢(Appreciative Inquiry; AI)成效不同的衡量模式,以解決AI成效在衡量時間、研究場合與資料來源的研究缺口所引發以下研究問題:(1)衡量時間多在訓練後立即衡量,而有工具記憶效果的質疑。(2)研究場合多在訓練場內進行,而有能否擴及企業一般運作的疑問。(3)資料來源,多屬推動者的次級資料報導,而缺乏以接受者角度的資料來源。因此本研究擬從長期性、企業個案團隊例行性的會議、團隊成員客觀的發言行為資料發現AI成效差異。本研究以接受三個月AI訓練的個案醫療機構推動團隊的六名成員為研究對象,以訓練後所推動AI專案(為期18個月)為觀察期,參與觀察該團隊每月例行性一小時工作會議。蒐集成員在會議中語言(發言次數與內容)、非語言(停頓、笑聲等)的客觀行為資料來源說明AI的成效。研究發現,AI成效長期間的個人行為上產生差異,並可擴及至企業一般運作,會議中可提高成員參與、增加回饋資訊與發揮激發成員思考。語言行為包括增加發言、速度與使用問句的頻率、縮短發言內容。非語言行為則有增加停頓、發言間隔與笑聲的現象,顯示會議中所觀察到的語言(發言行為與內容長短)與非語言(停頓與笑聲)的行為,可作AI階段性評估與調整介入策略的依據。
We investigated how Appreciative Inquiry (AI), an intervention of OD is actually applied effectively in the promotion team after an AI project. Most researches in AI have been evaluated immediately in and after the training activities. And they are conducted from OD practitioners. Scholars in AI have criticized subjective results and restricted from single and subjective perspective. Therefore, we took the promotion team as our subject and observed how they practically interacted in each one-hour monthly meeting during 18 months of intervention period. We recorded their meetings and analyzed two ones, before and end of AI. Linguistic results show that member's speaking is increasing. The words of content are shortening and the speed of speaking is accelerating. They use more questions to get more information. Non-linguistic results show that the pauses of speaking and the frequency of laughing are increasing and the time is shorting. We conclude that we could take behaviors of interaction as a method to evaluate AI effectiveness.
起訖頁 73-88
關鍵詞 讚賞式探詢讚賞式探詢成效參與式觀察法Appreciative InquiryAI effectivenessparticipation observation
刊名 創新研發學刊  
期數 201112 (7:2期)
出版單位 中華創新研發學會
該期刊-上一篇 化妝、服裝及精品涉入程度對個體靈性之影響
該期刊-下一篇 兩岸金融交流與合作之理論評述與建議




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