教育學誌 Journal of Education |
201111 (26期)期所有篇 |
- 詩性道德:Richard Rorty的道德想像及其德育啟示 Poetic Moral: Richard Rorty's Imagination of Moral Program and Its Implications of Moral Education in Taiwan
- 現代化衝擊下高雄市客家族群文化認同發展及其教育省思 The Development of Kaohsiung Hakka Cultural Identity under the Impact of Modernity and the Edification about It
- 創造力的教育實踐及其限制 On Practices and Limits of Creativity in Education
- 德國與台灣在新住民潮流下幼教工作者培育課程之比較研究 A comparison between the Taiwanese and German curriculum of teacher education for early childhood care and education at the tide of immigration
- 民國40到90年代國小國語教科書中學生角色之分析 The Student Role Described in the Language Textbooks of Elementary School with the Versions from 1950's to 2010's
- 被錯置的莫札特?──國中音樂班學生能力觀之探究 Displaced Mozart ?-The Perception of Ability among Gifted Students in Music of a Junior High School