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Displaced Mozart ?-The Perception of Ability among Gifted Students in Music of a Junior High School
作者 許殷宏謝艾芸
This study assumed both macro structure and micro interaction influence school administration and teacher's classroom activities which, in turn, affect teacher's expectations to students. This study aimed to explore how the macro structure factors led the operation of a gifted music class, which directly shaped student's perception of ability, as well as teacher's, peer's, and school's influences on student's perception of ability. This qualitative study employed long-term participatory observations in the classroom and on campus, in-depth interviews with students, teachers, and administrators, and documentation analyses in a gifted music class of a junior high school in Taipei County. This year-long study lasted the academic year of the eighth graders. The study findings are as the following: (1) Academic performance was the main criteria for gifted students in music to interpret the ability conception; (2) Interpersonal interaction became the mediator of the formation of student's perception of ability in the gifted music class; (3) School stratification was taken as the signal for justifying the potency of student's ability; (4) The operation of gifted music class played a significant role which affected student's identity and development.
起訖頁 171-211
關鍵詞 能力觀音樂班升學主義身分認同perception of abilitygifted music classcredentialismidentity
刊名 教育學誌  
期數 201111 (26期)
出版單位 國立臺南大學教育學系
該期刊-上一篇 民國40到90年代國小國語教科書中學生角色之分析




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