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篇名 |
詩性道德:Richard Rorty的道德想像及其德育啟示
並列篇名 |
Poetic Moral: Richard Rorty's Imagination of Moral Program and Its Implications of Moral Education in Taiwan |
作者 |
許誌庭 |
中文摘要 |
藉由批判傳統以理性及語言為基礎的鏡式哲學,Rorty建立起獨樹一格的無鏡哲學,主張傳統哲學所引起的認識論爭論,並無益於哲學的發展,進而主張應以行動的結果做為檢視知識有效性的準則,這種觀點係繼踵Peirce, James以及Dewey之後,因而被稱為新實用主義。除了對傳統哲學基礎的批判外,Rorty更致力於發展後現代境況下的道德方案,主張道德並不具有超越歷史的有效性,只是人們在偶然的情形下所得到的暫時共識,因而能提升人們團結感的不是那些宣稱對上帝意旨,或更為了解永恆人性為何的哲學論集,而是那些能描述人們情感的詩性文學作品。藉由闡述Rorty的哲學論點及所構作的詩性道德方案,本文試圖從中推演出對我國當前道德教育的可能啟示。文分五段,除前言外,將首先探討實用主義的思想傳統及Rorty在新實用主義上的轉折,繼而探討Rorty對傳統道德哲學的批判及其主張,進而提出對當前臺灣道德教育的可能啟示,包括「正視道德教育過程中個人情感的滿足」、「重視弱勢群體的道德議題」及「從文以載道到以文詠情」等,最後則是結論。 |
英文摘要 |
R. Rorty constructed the neo-pragmatism philosophy by criticizing the traditional mirror philosophy based on the fundamental of human reasoning and language. In Rorty's arguments, there is no foundation constructs the criterion of morale. The moral rules we decided to obey are just the contingency temporary consensus derived from the daily life. The aim of this paper is to explore the characters of Rorty's moral program and its implications in Taiwan's moral education. Three conclusions are made as follows: (1)the emotional desire should be included and be respected in the process of moral education; (2)the identity of minority should not be hooked on moral significance; and (3)the moral teaching with literature texts is to express the feelings about lived experiences instead of putting burden on the ideal cognition of morality. |
起訖頁 |
1-32 |
關鍵詞 |
Rorty、新實用主義、詩性道德、後現代倫理學、Richard Rorty、Poetic moral、Postmodern ethics、Neopragmatism |
刊名 |
教育學誌 |
期數 |
201111 (26期) |
出版單位 |
該期刊-下一篇 |
現代化衝擊下高雄市客家族群文化認同發展及其教育省思 |