史原 Shih Yuan:The Journal of Historical Review |
201609 (28期)期所有篇 |
- 明代廷杖文化的身體暴力與榮譽:以楊繼盛為例 Body, Violence and Honor in Culture of Tingzhang in Ming Dynasty: A Case Study on Yang Jisheng
- 近代中國佛教歷史書寫與歷史觀之轉型:以《佛學叢報》為中心 Historical Transformation on Modern Writing and the History of Buddhism: An Academic Approach of Foxue congbao
- 臺灣造紙業之危機:以原料來源及國際競爭力為中心(1954-1967) A Crisis in the Pulp and Paper Industry in Taiwan, 1954-1967: A Discussion on the Sources of Raw Materials and International Competitiveness
- 中國史前城址綜合研究 A Study on Prehistoric Walled Sites in China
- 河陰之變受害北魏宗室墓誌所見的追贈現象與意義 The Phenomenon and the Significance of the Posthumously Conferred Titles in Royals' Epitaphs in the Hoyin Rebellion
- 翻譯瑪格麗特.雅各布,〈十八世紀共和主義者必然為反資本主義者嗎?〉 Margaret Jacob, “Was the Eighteenth-Century Republican Essentially Anticapitalist?”, translated from English into Traditional Chinese