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元明關中學術發展與歷史記憶、文本流傳的變化──從一則史事考訂談起 Changes in Historical Memory and Texts in Transmission in the Context of Intellectual Development in Guanzhong during the Yuan-Ming Period: A Correction of Errors in the Lien Hsiang Ch'uan Yuan
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《臺灣共產主義運動與共產國際(1924-1932)》若干考訂之辨析──以翁澤生新見逸文〈日本帝國主義鐵蹄下的臺灣〉為中心的討論 Analysis of Various Problems of Interpretation in The Communist Movement in Taiwan and the Communist International (1924-1932): A Discussion of “Formosa Under the Iron Heel of Japanese Imperialism” by Weng Zesheng