科學與工程技術期刊 Journal of Science and Engineering Technology |
200912 (5:4期)期所有篇 |
- 以失效模式與效應分析為基的製程問題分析模式--以奈米探管背光模組為例 An Analytical Model for an FMEA-Based Manufacturing Process Problem Appliedto a Carbon Nano-tube Back-Light Unit
- 一個依字母大小序產生排列的新方法 A New Method for Generating Permutations in Lexicographic Order
- 半枝蓮萃取液對雲芝胞外多醣肽產量、化學特性及免疫活性之影響 Effects of Scutellaria Barbata Extracts on the Productivity, Chemical Properties and Immunomodulatory Activities of Extracellular Polysaccharopeptides from Coriolus versicolor (Yunzhi)
- 麵粉添加葡萄糖氧化?對吐司麵包品質之影響 Effect of Adding Glucose Oxidase to Flour on the Quality of Toast
- 利用飛秒雷射微奈米加工技術於玻片上製作高深寬比之微流道結構 Fabrication of High-Aspect-Ratio Microfluidic Channels on Glass Using Femtosecond Pulsed Laser Micro and Nano Machining Technology
- 高科技廠房能源使用調查及管理模式建構 An Energy Consumption and Management Mode Study in a High-Tech Factory
- 靜不定樑的拉普拉斯變換解法 A Solution to Indeterminate Beams Using the Laplace Transform
- 廢光碟回收廠清洗液中銀、鋁金屬去除之研究 Removal of Silver and Aluminum from the Washing Liquid at a Scrap Compact Disk Recycling Plant