華岡史學 Hwa Kang Journal of the Historical Studies |
201512 (3期)期所有篇 |
- 顓頊神話解釋--「絕地天通」和「死即復蘇」 Zhuan Xu's myths explanation- 「Chueh Ti Tien Tune」and 「Ssu Chi Fu Su」
- 清商樂在漢唐之際的流變與發展 From Han Yuefu To Qing Shang Yue- The Development of QingShang Yue
- 北涼佛教對地區政權之影響 Northern Liang influence of Buddhism on the regime region
- 初探唐代吐蕃興衰--以宗教與政局的互動關係來省思 Research the Rise and Fall of Tibet in Tang Dynasty- The impact of religion and political situation
- 試論七世紀的東亞國際關係--以白江口之戰為核心 Essay International Situation of East Asia in the 7th Century: Analysis of the Battle of Paekchon River
- 宋以前孔雀明王信仰在中國的流傳與發展 A View on the Dissemination and Development of the belief in Mahā-mayūrī-vidyā-rājan before Song Dynasty
- 元朝征爪哇史事考 Research on the War between Java and Yuan Dynasty
- 中國大陸「民國熱」現象初探 The "Republican fever" in the Chinese mainland: some observations
- 書評:Robert Darnton著《華盛頓的假牙:非典型的十八世紀法國文化指南》 Introduce English Book: George Washington''s False Teeth: An Unconventional Guide to the Eighteenth Century