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Research the Rise and Fall of Tibet in Tang Dynasty- The impact of religion and political situation
作者 蔡逸人
Tibet people from 7-8th became the powerful empire in East Asia. When Tang Dynasty demise, Tibetan also had split along with Tang dynasty. This paper is focus on the reason for the rise and fall of Tibetan. Including religious, Evolution of the monarch and the prime minister. Tibetan in Tang dynasty in my research can look like two parts. The first half situation is rise. Another one is gradually to start die out. Tibetan always had two groups that they are rival and fight each other. This situation made country lose opportunity to development, but on the other hand it can help Tibetan to expand outward. Before the monarch Khri srong lde btsan, Tibetan was striking terror in Asia. It has even captured the capital of the Tang Dynasty. After this time country became to stage of weakens. It can take the blame for the Buddhism. When the monarch Khri lde srong btsan, in order to confront with another part. He used to promote Buddhism and enhance the welfare of the monks. In this time, even the monks can do the prime minister. The Conservative Party was dissatisfied with this policy. They killed the monarch Khri gtsug lde brtsan. Next successor had some policies which can restore normal political situation. But it has been unable to return XXX. Finally, the Tibet eventually collapsed in AD 905 years. Tibet existed about three hundred years in the history.
起訖頁 75-113
關鍵詞 吐蕃政局政教關係佛教墀松德贊墀德松贊墀祖德贊朗達瑪Tibetpolitical situationpolitical-religious relationBuddhismKhri srong lde brtsanKhri lde srong brtsanKhri gtsug lde brtsanGlang dar ma
刊名 華岡史學  
期數 201512 (3期)
出版單位 中國文化大學史學研究所暨史學系
該期刊-上一篇 北涼佛教對地區政權之影響
該期刊-下一篇 試論七世紀的東亞國際關係--以白江口之戰為核心




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