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The "Republican fever" in the Chinese mainland: some observations
作者 林福隆
Recently, a rise of "Republican fever" phenomenon in the Chinese mainland caused a lot of discussion. This article attempts to this trend, to be analyzed and interpreted, it might be possible to understand the meaning behind the exhibit. "Republican fever", mainly refers to the wave of people from the mainland because of the "Republic of China" (1912-1949) the political, diplomatic, democracy, culture, people, education and other matters of interest arising, and they also believe that the time period of the Kuomintang in power, may later than the Communist Party of China, more and more dynamic, more open and more successful. As we understood from the academic aspect, this phenomenon may reflect the various aspects of the current Chinese Communist Party's political, economic, social, life, people have been questioned, and attempts to use historical way, to express their dissatisfaction with the heart. Then observe by a historical perspective, this phenomenon, more or less in the hearts of people from the mainland, it has been partially restored the true face of "Republic of China" and to show the history of qualities: they will not be forgotten because of the time.
起訖頁 221-241
關鍵詞 民國熱範兒中華民國國民黨老兵教育民國教材民國史Republican fevercharacterRepublic of ChinaKuomintangVeteransEducationRepublican TextbooksHistory of the Republic
刊名 華岡史學  
期數 201512 (3期)
出版單位 中國文化大學史學研究所暨史學系
該期刊-上一篇 元朝征爪哇史事考
該期刊-下一篇 書評:Robert Darnton著《華盛頓的假牙:非典型的十八世紀法國文化指南》




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