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From Han Yuefu To Qing Shang Yue- The Development of QingShang Yue
作者 薛幼貞
Using the term 'new sound from previous dynasty', Shen Kuo reflected not only the transforming development of QingShang Yue, but also the primary blueprint for studying it. Being a category of court music, the reason why QingShang Yue was highly emphasized from Ciaowei Dynasty, Jin Dynasties to the Southern and Northern Dynasties and then formed into a major music category is supposed to be out of the needs and instrumentation of the imperial court. The term 'the new sound of previous dynasty' can not simply understand as the inheritance from the previous Zhou Dynasty or the new instrument of the Southern China, but something more. During the transformation of QingShang Yue, there were different narratives or transgression etiquette in various materials, and also the divergent statements of Monograph on Music in historical records. Hence, the supportive clarifications from biographies, official posts(Chin-Kuan Chih), and Collection of Lyric Poems are comparatively essential. After the YongJia Turmoil, QingShang Yue became individual musical category while the political power were rather unstable in the same time. This article is devided into two sections discussing the forming of QingShang Yue and the tonality of those instrument in QingShang Yue. The first section of this airtcle focus on the cultural atmosphere and the function of bureaucratic system in YueFu during the Han dynasty. By analzing the forming process of QingShang Yue and also the historical background of the politics, this section is to find out the potential factors of the changes of the "FangZhong Qu of Zhou" style. The second section focus on the comparison of the political system and function and the influences of it between Northern and Southern Dynasties. There are four issues in this article: first, the beginning and the forming of QingShang Yue; second, before the YongJia Turmoil, Xianghe qu was becoming the Three Songs of Qing Shang and was popular in the court; third, after the YongJia Turmoil, QingShang Yue was different between the North and the South, and created a brand new sttyle; Forth, during the Sui and Tang Dynasties, QingShang Yue was combined with the Ten Yue Dance. From this four issues, the article proves QingShang Yue content the appreciation of the beauty and was fond by the emperors. Through the comparison of historical records, the development of QingShang Yue has been converted into the political notations.
起訖頁 19-56
關鍵詞 清商樂前世新聲房中曲永嘉之亂QingShang Yuenew sound from previous dynastyfangzhong quYongJia Turmoil
刊名 華岡史學  
期數 201512 (3期)
出版單位 中國文化大學史學研究所暨史學系
該期刊-上一篇 顓頊神話解釋--「絕地天通」和「死即復蘇」
該期刊-下一篇 北涼佛教對地區政權之影響




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