技術學刊 Journal of Technology |
200809 (23:3期)期所有篇 |
- 端銑刀再研磨磨削參數最適化設計 Design Optimization of Grinding Parameters for Resharpening End-mill
- 奈米SiO2及淨水污泥灰對水泥漿體新拌性質之影響 Effect of Nano-SiO2 on the Fresh Behaviors of Water Works Sludge Ash Paste Specimens
- 中文字型平滑化應用於電腦輔助製造工程 Application of Smooth Engineering to Chinese Characters for the Computer Aided Manufacture
- 砂輪用之非接觸式不平衡檢知與線上自動調校系統 A System of Non-contact Unbalance Detection and On-line Automatic Adjustment for Grinding Wheels
- 手提電鑽轉速噪音自動化檢測系統之研發 Development of an Automatic Speed and Noise Inspection System for the Electric Hand Drill
- 基於XML實現NGOSS架構之報表服務管理模型 Implementation of Report Service Management Model in NGOSS Architecture Based on XML Data
- 股票市場效率與經濟發達程度之關係──遺傳演化神經網路研究 Relation Between Stock Market Efficiency and Degree of Economic Development – A Genetic Neural Network Approach
- 結合交錯式昇壓型與推挽式高功因轉換器之研製 A Study of High Power Factor AC/DC Converter with Interleaved Boost and Push-pull Conversion Topologies